Friday, June 19, 2009

Mad Dash

June 18, 2009. Well, the race is full on. Have to be out of the house by the 1st of July! Garage sale Saturday, painting to finish, carpet being installed next Friday! Don't think I have enough boxes. Josh still has one more week of school and a month of swim team. But, on the bright side only 72 days left until we're done with the whole work thing - maybe less for Dennis. The refrigerator/Galley project is complete. It was four tourturous months for Dennis.

The canvas we ordered for our Christmas present is in place and Carol finally finished the new sail cover in May. The current project is installation of the generator. It is going under our berth, so will be interesting sleeping arrangements until it is done. The "todo" list is still pretty long, so we may join the ranks of those doing boat maintenance in exotic places sooner rather than later.

We did manage a long weekend out on the boat between projects. Pulled Josh and Francois (our Belgian exchange strudent) out of school and spent the weekend at Angel Island - Always a favorite for us. Took the ferry to Tiburon and lounged on the beach afterwards.

Francois graduated May 30,and returned to Belgium June 10th. He is pictured with his two best friends. It is quiet without him.